Prophet, Priest, and King
Prophet, Priest, and King
Most people are struggling trying to determine what they believe to be right or wrong. Where do you look for answers to questions about what is right and wrong?
Many people are searching for purpose and meaning in their lives. Where do you go for counsel and direction in your life?
Most people find it difficult to place themselves under the authority of others or make wise decisions. Who are you willing to listen to as a wise authority in your life?
The three questions above address three specific needs people have: a need for TRUTH, a need for MEANING, and a need for WISDOM. History has proven that humanity struggles with accepting the truth. We struggle with finding contentment and fulfillment. We also struggle with making wise choices as we govern our lives, families, and whatever else we are responsible for.
Man’s search for truth, meaning, and wisdom can be traced all the way back to Adam and Eve’s first attempt to find them outside of God. Ever since the Fall, man has continued to pursue every possible avenue to find fulfillment apart from God.
“He who does not believe in God will believe in anything (attributed to G.K. Chesterton).
In Deuteronomy 17-18, God establishes three positions of leadership, to address those three specific human needs. God gives Israel a King to wisely rule over them, the Prophet to reveal God’s Truth to His people, and the Priest to restore them relationally to God.
Unfortunately, none of the prophets, priests, or kings were ever able to fully restore man’s broken relationship with God or his fellow man. Earthly prophets, priests, and kings would never be enough to fix our broken world.
This Sunday, we will look at God's instructions for His people regarding Priests and Prophets. Most importantly, God promised that one day He would send a special Prophet and the words he would speak would be the most important they would ever hear.