The Theology of Celebration
The Theology of Celebration
How important is "celebrating" in your life? If you are an optimistic person you may be celebrating the idea of celebration. If you are a pessimist you may be thinking, “what is there to celebrate?” There is actually a science behind celebration that has revealed a number of benefits.
Celebrations are good for you. When people celebrate they experience a reduction in stress. This can result in increased cognitive function and better overall health. Celebrating is known to trigger and increase one’s levels of dopamine, endorphins, and serotonin. When we celebrate with others it builds community, unity, and relational bonds. Celebrations can reinforce the values of a family or group. They can also provide an opportunity to honor those who we have reason to recognize or just want to appreciate and encourage.
Most importantly, celebrations are actually Biblical. Before anyone considered the scientific benefits of celebrating, God commanded His people to mark their calendars with a number of annual celebrations. These celebrations remembered God's past work in delivering them from slavery, giving them His Word, and caring for them while in the wilderness.
The celebrations He commanded them to perform, also anticipated how God would show His power and faithfulness in the future.
This Sunday, we will look at the Feasts God commanded His people to celebrate. What is their relevance for us today? What can we learn about God and ourselves through these Festivals?
One thing we should learn is how to celebrate!