Questioning Jesus

Apr 9, 2023    Pastor David Anglin

Questioning Jesus

Are we allowed to have questions about Jesus? Jesus never had a problem with people asking questions. Jesus even encouraged it.

In Luke 9:18, Jesus asked his disciples, "Who do the crowds say that I am?" Then Jesus asked, "Who do you say that I am?" Jesus knew that his disciples had a growing, but incomplete, understanding of who he was and why he had come. 

Jesus went on to describe and predict how he was going to die and be raised. It is clear the disciples did not understand what Jesus was telling them. For the first time, Jesus spoke prophetically of his suffering, rejection, death, and resurrection. Jesus perfectly described the fate that awaited him in Jerusalem and that we commemorate 2,000 years later every Easter. 

Jesus also invited those who desired to follow him. In his invitation, he described the path of his followers. Those who followed Jesus would have to carry their own cross daily, walking a similar path. Two thousand years later, following Jesus remains the same.