Jesus on FAQ: Taxes

May 19, 2024    Pastor David Anglin

If you could ask Jesus any question what would it be? One would think a person would have some deep question about life, death, eternity, or the problem of evil. Would you ever ask about taxes?

In Luke 20:19-26, Jesus was approached by a couple of men, appearing to be sincere about following Jesus, with a question for Jesus. Of all the things one could ask Jesus, they chose to ask him about his thoughts on Caesar's authority to tax God's people.

Their real intention was to trick Jesus into saying something bad about the Roman Empire or the Jewish people. They hoped they could trick him into offending the Jewish people or offending the Roman officials. Either way, they sought trap Jesus with his answer.

Jesus's answer gives us a master class on discernment and some wisdom on the appropriate authority of governments to tax. Should Christian's have to pay taxes they do not agree with or to a government that is unrighteous?