The Radical Minimum

Feb 18, 2024    Pastor David Anglin

What kind of worker are you? There are a lot of different styles and outlooks on work ethic. There are overachievers and there are those who do just enough. Some people are highly efficient and able to accomplish a lot in half the time while others seem to always be busy with low production. 

We live in a time of participation trophies and weighted standards. Many struggle to strive to reach their potential if the reward would be no different than the person who gives the bare minimum. Most people can see this is a problem for society but how does this translate to our spiritual lives?

In Luke 17:5-10, the disciples of Jesus seemed overwhelmed by Jesus's description of what His disciples are to live like. They even asked if Jesus would "increase their faith" (v.5). Jesus answered with a parable in which He gave them the minimum, though radical, standard for God's servants. 

Are their different standards for some Christians, requiring modified levels of commitment? Or is there a radical minimum?