Answers or Opinions?

Jun 2, 2024    Pastor David Anglin

Have you ever met someone who always has an answer regardless of the subject? You could ask about finance, parenting, landscaping, politics, religion, or sports and they will have something to say. We all can have a little bit of “that guy” in us. There are subjects in which we are pretty confident we know the answer, whether we choose to share it or not. In reality, we may think we have the answers but what we have is mostly opinions.     

In Luke 20, we find Jesus being challenged with questions from several groups attempting to reduce Jesus' popularity and reduce His influence. “Every possible group has taken a shot at Jesus and failed: Pharisees, nationalists, scribes, Sadducees, leaders of the people. On the topics of ministry, politics, and theology, Jesus has prevailed” (Darrell, Bock, 1626). The leaders would ask Jesus questions they thought they knew the answers to only to discover what they had was wrong or ill-informed opinions. 

This Sunday, we will see (Luke 20:41-47) Jesus ask the question and expose the ignorance and hypocrisy of the religious leaders. Jesus rebukes the spiritual abuse of the scribes while praising the authentic faith of a poor widow. Have you ever considered how much of your life is built on truth (answers) rather than opinions?