Living for the Next Life

Feb 4, 2024    Pastor David Anglin

Many people are living for the moment. At the same time, others are just working their daily grind and routine to get through the week, until they start the next week. Some are striving to live their best life now. 

Few live with the understanding and forethought that this life is preparation for the next. How you live this life will have an eternally significant impact on your afterlife. 

In Luke 16:14-31, the Pharisees continued to be offended by what Jesus was teaching. Jesus challenges their understanding of the Law and confronts their self-righteous pride. They had been using the Word of God for selfish gain while neglecting the needs of others. Jesus gives the parable of the rich man and a poor man named Lazarus. The rich man lives in abundance while Lazarus suffers from great physical needs. After they both die and in the next life, the roles have changed. Lazarus is now experiencing his reward in heaven and the rich man is now suffering in torment.

The shocking truth is that this life is temporal and the next life will be permanent. How are you preparing in your life now for the afterlife?