Less Than

May 7, 2023    Pastor David Anglin

Lesser Than

Studies have shown that comparing yourself to others can have a positive result in self-improvement and growth. Studies have also shown that self-comparison often results in feelings of defeat, inferiority, insecurity, dissatisfaction, and guilt. How do you compare and measure up against others?  

The dangers of comparison are not new. However, it is alarming to see how social media has resulted in an epidemic rise in all the negative consequences of self-comparison and a decline in social and psychological well-being. It is fascinating to consider that in the age of self-help, self-care, and expressive individualism, societal mental health continues to unravel and decline.   

Could you tell me what the cause is and if there is a solution? When people are confused about their identity (who they are) and purpose (why they exist) they will struggle to find meaning and value in their life and the life of others.  

In Luke 9:43-50, Jesus gives his disciples a preview of the suffering awaiting him. The disciples were confused by Jesus's words but instead of contemplating them, they played the comparison game. They began to argue about which one of them was the greatest. 

Their response revealed they did not understand Jesus's role, their role, or the role of others in God's great plan. Jesus did not rebuke them for playing the comparison game. Instead, he played along by giving them a standard to measure their greatness. Jesus invites a child to stand next to him and said, "he who is least among you is the one who is great."