Why are Churches so Unhealthy?
Jesus said it is those who are sick that are in need of a doctor (or hospital) not the healthy. Jesus was referring to the sinners and trouble-makers he was spending time with as the sick. He was calling the prideful and self-righteous religious leaders, the healthy ones. In reality, Jesus knew the Pharisees needed his help just as bad as the “sinners” they looked down on.
If you carry Jesus's statement a bit further, one could call the church a hospital for the sick. If the church is a hospital then we should not expect it to be a place for perfect people. A church is a place where the sick and hurting can experience help and healing. If a church is full of people at different stages of health, in the process of being transformed by Jesus, the Great Physician, then it is going to be messy.
In 1 Timothy 5:17-25, Paul gives some important instructions regarding the health and leadership of a church. He covers some important topics including should elders be paid, what if they are accused of wrongdoing, how to select them. The passage also gives some important insights on the desperate need for people to have and use discernment.
If you have been hurt by a bad church experience or find it difficult to trust Pastors, elders, or others in a church this passage is for you.