Who Leads the Church
One of the greatest crises facing our nation today is the absence of trustworthy leaders. Those whose lives are marked by character and integrity. Leaders who are driven by the courage of their convictions rather than self-preservation, self-exaltation, and self-absorbed pride.
Where do we see the greatest absence of faithful leaders? In short, everywhere! We see the failure and void of leadership in the government, in the corporate world, in the church, and even in the family.
The problem is not primarily about education, organizational theory, or society's structures and institutions. The further our nation drifts from the Biblically informed moral convictions and values that once anchored society, the more toxic leaders have become.
God has called believers to be committed to local churches that serve to highlight an example of what the Kingdom of Jesus is about. Churches that display what a healthy and loving community of people transformed by the Gospel of Jesus look like. With leaders that model and exemplify a version of Leadership that is distinctly and counter-culturally Christ-like. The Bible is not ambiguous or vague about what a church leader is to be like.
In many churches, it seems popularity, personality, professionalism, and entertainment are the highest values. For others, a Pastor is like a personal chaplain and event planner serving at the beck and call of the club members. So who is supposed to lead a church and what qualifications must they have?
In 1 Timothy 3, Paul gives Timothy clear instruction as to who qualifies to lead and even some of the structure a healthy church should have.