How Transformation Happens
We all know that caterpillars become butterflies, but do we know how this transformation takes place? Some facts we may know include, caterpillars eating a bunch of vegetation, then hanging from a leaf, and spinning a cocoon around themselves. Yet, whatever happens inside that cocoon is a mystery known to God alone. How does a chunky worm grazing on leaves emerge a petite bug with beautiful wings light enough to fly and flutter gracefully with the wind? Inside that cocoon everything changes and reorients, as the caterpillar turns into a jelly like substance and then emerges dramatically and beautifully changed.
We know God is committed to changing us but how does that happen. We know who we are is not who God is committed to making us. When I consider my starting point of depravity, weakness, immaturity, pride, and selfishness, then I am told that God is conforming me into the image/likeness of Christ. Can we all honestly admit there is a large difference between the beginning and end of our spiritual journeys. Can we also admit the change is does not seem to be happening very fast.
In this message, we will dive into the goo of our spiritual cocoons to understand how God changes us and how we can maximize the process.