Where Do You Turn in Uncertain Times?
So what is there that we can rely on for security, peace, and hope especially in difficult times like pandemics? Should we look to God? The cultural voices of our day would say, "If belief in God helps you, that is great for you, just don't push that publically."
Where is the only place we can really look to for universal hope in times like these?
In a recent Pfizer Pharmaceuticals commercial the narrator gives us the answer, "In a time when things are most uncertain, we turn to the most certain thing there is, science." The commercial ends with a series of clips featuring scientists holding up signs reading, "Science Will Win!"
Indeed, we hope and pray that scientists will discover a remedy or even a vaccination that will end the Coronavirus epidemic, nonetheless, should we hope and pray to scientists?
The question we will explore in this message is, "where do you, and should you, turn in times of uncertainty?"