Involvement- Is Church Membership Important?
Is Church Membership Important?
The population of Washington County has grown in the past ten years by over 12%, adding 13,400 people to the population. Johnson City’s population has added over 4400 people, as it has grown by about 8%. Yet the churches have not kept pace but have declined by as much as 14%.
Back in 2010, there were at least 86,700 people not involved in an Evangelical church, in Washington County alone. Growth trends for Washington County predicted an additional 19,409 unchurched people by 2020. With continued growth and the effects of Covid, that number is likely over 110,000 by now. Yet, most would still consider this area to be highly religious. Even if all the current churches were healthy and growing they still would not have the space and resources to minister to this growing population.
As the total church population is not just declining but younger generations are rapidly growing disengaged. There has never been a generation less churched, more biblically illiterate, and ambivalent towards Biblical Christianity.
We have seen the rise of the Nones. Those who may come from a religious or Christian background but no longer identify or affiliate with any formal expression of Christianity. There is also the Don'ts. They don’t know, don’t believe, or don’t care whether God exists! Another group is the Unconvinced. They explored or dabbled in Christianity but have unanswered questions or concerns and remain skeptical.
Finally, we have the Convinced. This group is made up of those who have wrestled with the claims and reality of Jesus and have believed. Unfortunately, there are too many among the convinced who remain uncommitted to God's people, in a local Church.
In this message, we will consider the importance of membership involvement in a local church.
Is church membership necessary and biblical, or simply negotiable?