The Source of Disorder
One thing that we can all agree on is that conflict and disorder seem to be everywhere. There is a sense of anger that has infiltrated every aspect of society. There are certainly people who have legitimate grievances fueling their frustration, and yet far too many people have simply joined in the momentum of unfiltered emotions and rage.
We are in desperate need for people who have the discernment and understanding to discern the source and possible solutions to bring healing and hope in our world today. We need followers of Jesus who can discern between true spiritual wisdom and false wisdom, which is worldly and even demonic.
In the first century, James wrote to believers living in similar times. They were experiencing conflict, unrest, and disorder from their government, churches, and in their everyday lives. In James 3:13-18, he gives the critical tools to discern between true wisdom and false wisdom.
How do you discern the between godly wisdom and worldly wisdom in your life, family, church, and world? How certain are you that the "thinking" behind your decisions and responses are from above and not sowing seeds of disorder and sin in your life, family, leadership, or community?