Future Fears
The United States leads the world in prosperity, innovation, abundance, and convenience. Despite our affluence, we are also a world leader in anxiety and fear. Of all the phobias and fears we most often hear labeled there is one in which most people will suffer at some point or another. This common fear is Chronophobia or sometimes called Anticipatory Fear.
Chronos is the Greek word for time and phobia is the word for fear. Chronophobia can be triggered by an individual's fear about a future event, circumstance, or any number of "what if's." "What if I die. What if I fail. What if I get sick or hurt."
Some people will anticipate the worst possible scenarios, so they can be prepared or avoid disappointment. Nonetheless, dwelling on the past leads to anger, guilt, and shame. While dwelling on the future will lead to fear and anxiety. For those who know and follow Jesus. Anticipatory fear should not be an ongoing battle.
In Daniel 2, we find that God alone is the "revealer of mysteries." Not only can we trust God with the unknowns of the future, but God has already revealed enough of the future to shed enough light to comfort His people even in the darkest of times.
This message reminds us how to fight through dark times of anxiety and despair with the light of truth.